These past few weeks of college have pretty much been exactly what the title of this blog post is: Dazed and Confused. Basically I'm confused on life, relationships, the future, and dazed every weekend. Let me clump these things into categories.
Life: Life has got its ups and downs but recently I've been experiencing a lot of long-term downs and temporary ups. I found out that my mom has cancer. I keep failing my Math exams and I'm really worried I won't get into the major I want. These past few weeks have also been some of the most memorable and amazingly fun weeks of my life. Greekweek, $chlongfest, and relay for life being a few. I'm just keeping my optimistic outlook on life because honestly it's so hard NOT to be positive here at JMU. I love everything about the campus and the people in it! Although coming here I've realized i definitely have an identity crisis I have to figure out while I'm at home. But I'm sure I'll get that all settled by the fall :)
Relationships: I'm not sure if I've talked about this boy in here but we're going to call him by his code name "Carl". OK so Carl and I have been talking for awhile. Ever since like February. But lately he's been really confusing me. Like he invited me to his dorm but I kinda rejected his advances when I got there...making him think I don't like him. So we talked and found out we both like each other...then I left. DIDN'T TALK FOR TWO WEEKS MUTHAFUCKA. Well I was bust and so was he but I initiated a lunch last friday and he kept answering his phone and shit during it and had to leave early. I'm a pretty understanding person but if you were busy you could have canceled or something. Anyway, I let it slide. But then it was my birthday and he SAID NOTHING TO ME! REALLY?! If you like someone you should be like thee first person to say happy birthday to them. UGH! So I give up on initiating the conversation. He can be the one to start something. I'm just gonna Keep Calm and Party on. OH! on a side note Ehall stalker got my number and asked me to formal. I rejected him in a classy way...by using a white lie. oopsies...hahaha
the future: So the end of freshman year is almost here and I'm a little nervous. The minute I'm done with school I have to pack for New Orleans for a service trip. After that I go home to work for the summer which will be so nice and relaxing!! And I go back to school a week early in the fall for FROG TRAINING!!! I DID IT!!! I am a FROG and I couldn't be more excited!! I also switched to a SMAD major with a track in Corporate Communication which I still need to apply for by next spring! It's my dream and I want to make it a reality. :). It's awesome! I have Dreams now! I also hope to study abroad in London as a Junior. Possibly have an awesome spring break trip next year and keep calm and party on!!!
Dazed and Confused: Honestly, I party every weekend and I think it's starting to get to me. Don't get me wrong I love it and have a blast but sometimes I just want to chill out do some homework and have a fun sober time hahaha.
Those are my updates! Goodnight!