Wow...yea I totally slack on this blog thing. Even though I keep saying "I promise I'll keep up with it!" I'm not gonna lie...I probably never will XD.
SO updates! Today is Dan and I's 2 year anniversary! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY. Too bad I'm not there with him :(. I'm trying to make it home for Halloween...but again I'm not gonna lie. I kinda really really want to stay here at JMU for Halloween. There's so many fun things to do I just wanna experience all that my Freshmen year and not have to go home :P. I would love to go home at any other time besides Halloween though :P Technically I don't even have a ride home for Halloween weekend so we'll see what happens.
Also, apparently there's a Bucket list here of the things you have to do at JMU before you graduate and one thing is to find the tunnels! KELLIE AND I ARE DETERMINED TO FIND THESE TUNNELS. O! I don't think I've talked about Kellie in here. Kellie is not my roommate, she's my hallmate (but might as well be my roommate lol) she's my bff here at JMU :). I love her and she's so silly so we can be stupid together XD. It's awesome.
BIG NEWS. I joined a sorority! I'm in Kappa Alpha Theta. Apparently it was the first sorority in the U.S. and it's a lot of fun so far :) I went camping this weekend with them and our counselor was a British guy! AWESOME!! I ate dinner with a theta girl yesterday, and today I'm eating lunch with a theta girl. You never eat alone in a sorority which is nice. I signed up to live in the house next year so hopefully i get it!
There's one thing I didn't like about coming to college. High school in NO WAY prepares you for college tests or life. I got a C on my first french test which I was really upset about. But I changed my study habits and got a high B on my second :). I had a midterm yesterday that went pretty well :) But I have an art history midterm tomorrow that I'm not too excited about :P. Gonna study ALL day for it :P.
Well I'm going to leave my blog on that note and hopefully...maybe...post at least one other time this month XD
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