MY greatest apologies for the...month long wait :/. There just hasn't been any time (nor computer) for me to update this blog. FRST I'll cover Graduation...
Graduation almost turned into a family crisis -_-. My Dad had decided to invite his gf Daniella. I only have 8 tickets, Daniella would've been the ninth person...See where I'm going? Mom and Dad had a huge fight, so i gave up and asked Vero for an extra ticket to make everyone shut the hell up and happy. She agreed, fortunately, and crisis was averted ^_^ Thank You veronica, I owe you BIGTIME! lol.
Next was Sen1or Week! GREAT TIME. Was staying with Mandi, Sophie, and Amber. Hung out with Vero, Will, Taylor, and Cole most of the time down there. I'm really happy about everything that happened at Senior Week :) It was a time for me to get a taste for what life will be like in College...minus the beach lol.
After Sen10r Week were tons of grad parties, work, and teachers befriending me(or accepting my friend requests) on facebook XD. It's funny that Dan, Eric, and I went to the bar CastleBay and met up with Tedford, Greco, and Butler to watch Tedfords fiance perform. It was a great night though ^_^. Even though I don't do much else but work, I'm having a great Summer. I have good hours. I always have money on me. And I'm just having a great time. One time in particular that I'm not too proud of :P is Mandi's grad party :P.
I didn't intend to get smashed at Mandi's Grad party, I only thought I would get a little tipsy like those nights at Sen10r week :P. WELL I was wrong. I decided to drink a bottle of gin...idk why, it was there, I wanted to try it, and it was good lol. I can't really remember that night too well. But I know one thing, Dan told me I kept repeating myself and people thought I was really annoying. I ABSOLUTELY hate it when people think of/or call me annoying. In middle school, that's all everyone thought of me and in Highschool I was trying to change that and I thought I had. I guess not when I'm drunk -_- I was really upset afterwards because I feel like people won't like me if I act annoying at all, like I used to. Idk how to explain it. Just that I get real upset when I'm annoying...that sounds stupid but whatever :P.
Well besides taht the past two night have been fireworks on the bay! We went to the Kent Narrow Firework on Friday, and last night we went to see the Rock Hall fireworks. They were both real nice but I'm most excited about tonight because it's brittany's 4th of July party. I'm going to buy some glow sticks, and partttttyyyy and parttttty and partttty lol. Paige will be there too I'm happy ^_^.
I'll try to update my bloggy more :P. I apologize for neglecting you bloggy.
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