I feel lonely:/. So i failed the driving test T_T. I was so upset and i cried...lame. But then my Dad called me and convinced me to not let it bring my day down. And then i realized that i get to retake it XD and fix the mistakes i made today. I don't have to be as nervous next time now because i know what to expect ^___^. And watching Heidi Klum yodel was hilarious XD. So that brightened my day haha. I need to start working on my midterm packet :/. Retaking the driving test Tuesday! woooo XD. I'm watching antm now XD they put snakes on them and they're freaking out XD. Today's going to be a boring day...John's coming today...so i get kicked out of my room again COOOL. -_-. I wanted to see Dan today but he's sick :/. I have a little something for him and a note from Thursday. lame. My back hurts T_T_T_T sooooooo much goddammit.
I need a hobby. I can't drawwww, not musicalll, fail everything...I NEED SOMETHING IM GOOD AT T_T. I'm so tired of failing everything, i want something i can be proud of :/.
I absolutely love Paige Hill :D I'm fersure going back to how i used to be. I felt more confident that way ^__^
Christie! It's ok you failed your test. It happens. I almost failed because my instructor gave me the most intense stares ever. //_-
ReplyDeleteSorry you had such a bad day.
I'm working on finishing your stuff to mail out to you. <3
I really think it will cheer you up. ^_^