So my mom's divorce was today. She's happy and relieved. I almost forgot about it today during school cause we had to perform for the 8th graders, that was funnnn. lolz. Photo Club was interesting too, sammy made a poster with pictures she's taken and they were really cool :]. Also Mr. Holland had this really old camera, it was cute lol. I am sad that my camera is still broken T_T, maybe i can get it fixed soon, or just buy one on my birthday :D. I turned in the money for the AP test today, fucking 86 dollars i better get back! >.<. And i turned in the NHS stuff today too. I feel like all this stress is just gone now XD. I hope i get in, i didn't last year T_T. I tend to fail a lot. sigh. I wanna try tennis, my brother's doing it, apparently he's not good, but he says he is, maybe i'll ask him to teach me ^__^. He gave me a hug thee other day when i walked into his French class XD, it was weird cause he always says he doesn't like me. He's a poophead. I drew a cloud on Dan's hand today, then he drew a face on mine, and i made the face eat the cloud. It was fun ^___^. I was happpier today then i tought i would be. I wore a cute outfit :D. I think I'm gonna wear another cute outfit tomorrow too! :D I never realized how much i love heels. I think from now on i'm just buying heels or colourful flats. I don't want sneakers XD. Mr. Sof and Mrs. Dennis wouldn't sign for my Nhs stuff, so i put their names on there anyway ^___^ they apparently don't remember me...cooooool. fucking assholes :P. I was talking to Casey today and her eyes were like neon green! it was so cool :D
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