I found my dime with a hole in it XD, the chain is broken though, so i've gotta make a new one :P. I also found both the headbands i lost and my old flats that i love :D so there is some good that comes out of cleaning the closet XD. Today was the Bureaucracy test and even though i missed ap governemnt yesterday, i actually think i at least got a B on that test :D. There is some good that can come of studying XD. I'm going to study from now on ^___^. I got Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll...again! yayzzz XD. I feel like a dork. All i talk about is school in here, but that seriously is my life until summer XD. I miss my cousins Katie and Corrie. I get to see them in July! :D. It's also going to be nice to see Hayley, lol the lst picture i saw of her she looked like a little punk XD. Really thick eyeliner, long black hair, jeans and a t-shirt. The usual XD. I remember when she was a bookworm like me, i bet she still is ^___^. Also Jd can friggin climb trees, he's so weird XD but i love him <3 :D. And little Richard is going to be a soccer star i swear XD. Nicole will probably still be camera shy and look up to Katie and Corrie lolz. I'm just kinda like the cousin who doesn't belong, Only redhead in family FTW! XD. We learned about Christopher Columbus today in World History. I know all the stories say he discovered the America's first, but i don't believe it! there had to of been someone else because how else would people be there?!?!?! XD
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