Dang we have off ALL WEEK LONG. This is good for me :D, I have a paper due whenever I get back to school that I have yet to start on XD. LOL. That's not funny...Anyway, today I decided to look up student life at MMC and what I found made me wanna go there even more! I really think that's where I should be :D I told my Mom that I have 2 friends that go there that went to KIHS and now that she knows people from my school are going there she feels better about it XD.
When I was younger I always dreamed of living in NYC but never thought it could ever happen. Now that I have the opportunity to, I feel so EXCITED. Right now I feel like I AM going to MMC come this fall! I know I'm not yet, but it just feels like it when I research the school :). And It feels good. Living there would give me so many more opportunities that I wouldn't have living anywhere else.
ANYWAY, this snow is starting to get realllll old. Especially since I don't have any snow clothes (IT NEVER SNOWS HERE!). My Grandad seems to think that Maryland is a really cold place to live and that we're used to this kind of snow XD He should know that isn't true since he lived in Virginia like forever XD. I guess he forgot. Old peopleeee lol.
Annie is gonna be SO BAD. With all these days off NYC practice has been canceled and it's apparenlty "The biggest part of the show" LAME FAIL SHIT FUCK ASS DICK BLAH. I hate the musical :P
Right now Dan and Jimmy are writing a story for Blogger? But I'm not allowed to read it -_-. DETERMINED TO FIND IT!
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