It was really nice hanging out with Nic today. I feel like I really needed that, and I just love catching up with people. There was rarely a pause in the conversation XD We both had a lot to say and I miss that. Having someone you can tell everything to.
I was telling Dan the other night that I've never really had a long-time best friend. Like most people have friends that they've known since elementary school. For me, my friends have only been constant for at the most 4 years. I believe it went Jerrica, then Maddie, then Britt and Lily. I've had other friends along the way that I consider my best friends too, but these 4 were like my family. Now I rarely talk to any of them. I just really miss my girl nights where we could go out and do the stupidest things but have the best time :).
I don't think I feel any different from someone who's had a friend for their whole life, I just think it would be really nice to have that. Someone you can trust no matter what happens. That's what I give to my friends. I give them all my trust, I don't believe I have ever broken someone's trust before. People have broken mine, but if you're my friend and I love you...no matter what you do...even if you murder someone, or hurt me in the worst possible way you could, I'll always forgive you (never forget though). I don't think that makes me weak at all. I think it makes me stronger. It shows that I have faith in people, and most of the time that's what people need. Everyone needs someone that believes in them. And right now, I don't think I have that.
Thank you blog for making me realize what I need: someone that can believe and rely on me. <3
This made me so sad! Awww, I love you!