I'm sitting here, procrastinating :). I don't know why I smile when I say that word...but i do XD. WELL yesterday Derrick and I went to the mall! I went for shoes, Derrick for pants. WELLL haha, I found 3 shirts and 2 skirts XD, and Derrick found a shirt. SO WE FAILED T_T. I did find a good pair of shoes, but they didn't have any left at Sear's. So maybe I can hassle my Mom into getting me a new pair online ( they are much needed, believe me! My other boots have holes in them XD).
Today at school I received my Senior Paper grade. I got an A- on it. I think that's a good grade and all, it's just when Dr.Woolf gave it to me she said, "I felt ambivalent about your paper, Christie." I always feel like Dr.Woolf is holding me up to this higher expectation than everyone else. I think it may be just me, but I think she really does! Maybe it's just the fact I have 3 classes with her and we're BFFS XD jkjk. WHAT DOES AMBIVALENT MEAN?!?!?! T_T_T_T_T. Well I should be getting my final say from Drexel within the week, that's exciting. But I don't think I really want to go to school there. I just applied cause there was no application fee :). I really hope to get into all the other schools I applied to though. I still may apply to two more, I'm thinking about York college and St.John's a lot lately. Maybe I will apply to them ^__^, depends how I'm feeling after finals XD.
Today this boy names Alexsander Landolfi stuck his head in my face, it was really awkward and I looked away, but he was literally like a centimeter away from my face XD. It was so weird! Anyway, practice was horrible! Everyone sounds sad and it's supposed to be a happy song XD. Also the leads aren't that great, they're boring! :P I wish he would just choose different people. That's what he needs to do if he wants this show to be any good :P
Lovely Bones comes out this weekend! But I may be going to Dan's Dad's house this weekend. I love Dan's Dad's family, they're so nice and his little brothers and sister are so cute!!! I can't get over how cute Jackson is, I love him. SORRY DAN YOU HAVE COMPETITION ;D
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