I think I've been using this thing for almost a year. That's surprising, i usually don't stick with things that long. Well WOOHOO Graduation year is here! And i've applied to 5 schools thus far :). It feels good, not gonna lie. I think I'll be ready for this. SO far lots of good things have happened in 2010!
My Mom's getting married to Mike on Oct 2nd :D and I might be getting a little green car from my Dad! Which then will allow me to get a job and I'll be having $$$$ :D I was so happy on New Year's at Casey's with everyone. It's nice having a big fun new years with all your friends and you can actually remember it XD. I love Casey's mom, Miss Patty. She is a sweetheart.
But there has been a minor bump in the road although it's only January 3rd -_-. Dan is a major poop head. He's so stupid and idc if he's reading this cause he needs to hear it. He needs to get his act together. He's getting harder to trust...I hate that I feel like I'm not good enough. If this doesn't change, I'm going to change it for us :P I love him so much, and I really hope he keeps his promises. I don't ever wanna feel the same way i felt when he broke up with me last March. And I NEVER EVER wanna feel the way i felt last June. Although it came close the other night -_-. I didn't get as mad as I wanted too. I just want him to know that he has a good thing going for him being with me :/ and that hurting my feelings won't keep me here. I'm sure he knows that though, he just can't keep his penis at bay. I hope someone puts it on a stove XD
Men. are. stupid.
Well, school starts tomorrow and I finished the Joy Luck Club, it was an alright book...not a favourite though :P. I'm gald I read it :)
My New Year's Resolutions: Get a job, Wear pretty clothes again, start working out cause i'm getting lazy :P, learn to cook well :), have a kickass time at Otakon, stop caring about what others think of me, and not getting embarrassed.
OO! I forgot to say that we're going to be moving into a bigger house soon :D I'm excited!
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