In Algebra 2 today kovach, britt, and i were the only ones who did there homework last night, so tonight we only had to do like 6 problems while everyone else had to do 15 ^__^. Then during Algebra the guidance called me down and i had to redo my schedule. sighsighsighsigh, i hate how the way my schedule is, i want to change it again, maybe drop some other class...idk, i just feel like my schedule isn't good enough. I feel like i'm not good enough for any school, i don't know what i wanna do, i try to think on it, but nothing comes to mind. I've been reading like crazy, i finished 3 books this past week and it's awesome n_n, i missed reading. My mom flipped today about car insurance but we have it all figured out now ^__^. I'm glad problems are being solved fast lately. I hate things that go unanswered for days, drives me crazy. My mom went to the outlets the other day and Kelly Ramsey was in Tommy Hilfiger and she told my mom i could get a job there. My mom's making me apply, but i guess i'm ok with that, i want another job anyway, food places make me angry.
I need a car for next year, there's no way i'm getting one, but i do want one...it sucks not having one there all the time, sometimes i just want to leave.
I found my glasses! This weekend i'm getting a new pair though. And my mom promised we'd go shopping so i'm getting happy ^__^. I love clothes, it might be unhealthy to love clothes as much as i do. I used to want to design them. I actually still have them somewhere, i'm not gonna lie my designs were awesome! I made this purple dress that was flowy with white flowers everywhere and it was sooooo cute! it never came to life though :P. Maybe someday it will ^__^. I also made this red dress with a big giant bow and it was all tight around certain edges and loose in others, and that also never came to life :P. I did all that between 8th and 9th grade when i realized i had to find a realitic goal. I never found that goal, i hope i do soon though :/. I kinda wish i never stopped my other goal, because i was actually dedicated ad happy trying to reach for it. Maybe i'll start doing that stuff as a hobby and see where it goes from there. That sounds like a good idea n_n.
Sometimes i hate talking about the future, because it's all so uncertain. And we all have these hopes that we want to be true so bad. It sucks when those hopes are failures, makes you not want to hope anymore. sigh -_-
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