My Mom and I got into a fight last night. It was really really lame. She first came into my room and asked me what i was gonna do this weekend. So i told her that I was going to Molly's party after work on Friday for like an hour and then heading over to brits. But then i said "i just don't have any money to get her a gift, i think i'm gonna use my paycheck to get her something" and she freaked out and started yelling at me about how i need to give her all my money. And how over the summer i'm not allowed to have fun all i can do is work, everyday...So i'm like mom your psycho, and i got upset. I just don't understand why all of a sudden she needs all my money, when we were fine before...nothings changed, we haven't bought anything new that we need to pay for. Unless she did without telling us. Most likely -_-, all i know is that i'm keeping half my paycheck every time i get it. She can just deal with it like she always has. I'm being mean T_T, but she was being mean too. SO :P. sighsighsighsighsigh. I hate moneyyyyyy. She even took alll my bday money, and all my savings...so i really have nothing T_T. Lol i was telling Dan that yesterday, in the car, and i ran over a curb for the second time this week! T_T_T_T_T_T
I was realllllly embarrassed >.<. sighsighsighsighsigh
AP final today!!! WoOOOOOOOooOooOO, i haven't studied yet :P. I'll do that on the bus or something. DAMMIT i need to do my survey too T_T_T_T_T. FML
Whatever, i'll live and get it all done.
On the plus side i'm drinking hot chocolate right now ^__^. I look pretty cute :D. I got to hang out with dan like everday this week n_n. I have good grades :). I'm back into reading! And i get paid today :D
lol there's a sunny side to every situation XD
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