I think i need to get to that place in my life where there's only one choice and that choice will bring good things. That would be nice; no desicion-making. I'm eating Alfredo noodles, i made some for my brother too. I'm being nice today :]. Burtn my wrist with boiling water AWESOMEEE.
Britt doesn't want to be my friend anymore because i don't hang out with her as much. Paige and Courtney think it's cause she's jealous, but i don't think its that. I think it's just one of those things when she gets so into something that she starts to believe all these things that have really only been going on inside her own head. She's done it before, it most likely can happen again :/.
Bible Study showdown yesterday >.< i don't like fights. I didn't think Cate and Courtney were gonna have a battle over wanting to do something different. Cate shouldn't have overreacted and got mad at how some people were forming a little get-together while she was listening to the speaker. But also Courtney kinda shouldn't have gotten angry at Cate. They should of just did their own thing. But i'm more on Courtney's side in this. :P
Haven't talked to Veronica much at all. Britt's evidently never speaking to me again. So i've been doing my work and thinking of busy things, like where am i gonna live when i grow up. I'm thinking Cape Cod, or somewhere in Connecticut. That would be nice ^__^. Near all the cool places like the beach and new york city. I'm starting to study for sats, yikes T_T. Got new glasses, i like my hair up now.
Most likely quitting CLassic Pizzza soon. They don't give me a schedule, they're mean and blame everything on me. I don't like them :P and they don't have a scheduled payday for me. I might just tell them now that i quit and get a new job later. But i reallly need moneyyyy FORKINASFUHSDALGKNLSDGLSKGNSL -_-. Whatevs. I can always babysit Sailor Ann n__n.
The ants are gone