lol I got a Twitter, i don't really understand it that much, it just seems like facebook but with only status updates. It's still fun though XD. SO i went to Grandma's yesterday for Easter ^___^ ate a lot, Jon came...and he's allergic to carrots and celery? So my grandma had to be careful not to add those into our dinner XD. Anyway, then i stayed up til 1:30 doing my Ap work, pretty much done...all i need to do it 4E and 5B because those were hard questions T_T.
Man i am so bad at deciding things XD. I had to write them down on a peice of paper and drop em on the floor XD. I'm gonna go showerrr.
I'm drinking rootbeer :D.
i love everyone ^___^
What's your Twitter name? I'm alijog. :) I love Twitter.