It's my 51st post XD. I'm eating Cinnamon Graham Crackers ^__^. Left homework at school -_- fml. Work on my Birthday, double fml. If Dan dies i'll cry forever T_T. Bible Study tonight :]. Cate's picking me up at 6:45. Then i'll be home by 9ish i believe. Well i have no homework so i'll get a good nights sleep :D sunny side to every situation XD. I ate so much over break...T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T my pants are tightttttttt
LOL. Mom's at Jons. I have no transporatationnnnn, it really is a fail to have your license but no car -_-. The reason why i post so many of these is because Veronica told me that if i wrote almost everyday i would get some creativity, its not working :/
No motivation, No creativity, No life :/
Hi! I like your blog very Much!