I used to post a blog a day, just talking about what happened. But ever since Dan got sick i have nothing to talk about XD. Well today i talked with Erin for a long time, just about anything. I never thought i would be able to get close to her, but now i think it would be fun if i did. She's funny XD. This past week i've been throwing my clothes everywhere around my room, so im cleaning it now. ^__^. Tomorrow i'm heading to Virginia after school to go to jmu. My parents want me to go to a school in Virginia since i can get it cheaper there, idk. I really really really don't know what i wanna do >.<. Makes me all upset, cause everyday it changes. lol. Yesterday i wanted to be a lighting director XD. Today i want to be a college teacher. Tomorrow i'll probably want to be a medical forensic scientist thingy. hehe. Or a spy. Or the president. XD. syke. I'm eating a hotpocket. I really want some rootbeer. imma go get some. hmmm...i miss dannnn, there's no point in being at school if he isn't thereeeeeee XD. so bored, my life is boring, -_-.
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