Yay! Another day off from school XD. I woke up at 12:30 and Brit, Cat, and Paige just showed up and took me away lol. It was fun ^__^. We went to McDonalds and Paige was chasing after the car because we were running from her XD. Then we went to Paige's, played dress up XD, and watched The Notebook. SUCH A GOOD MOVIE T_T_T_T. Geezuz i love it ^__^. Then i went to Brits, we had a nice talk ^__^, my mom came at 5:30 lol and i went home. I've just been reading The Notebook and cleaning ever since lol. Texted Veronica and that was nice, she was being honest with me ^___^. And then i told Dan this thing that happened to me a while ago, it's so silly XD but so weirdly true...I really wish i could have seen him today, but i didn't :P. sighsighsighsigh. I'm trying to put that wall down that i have up between me and him. It's so hard though >.< I want him to know everything about me...but there's something in my brain that isn't letting me figure out how to T_T. I want to feel, and i can't explain why i can't. I'm not sure how to make myself feel... I don't think you are supposed to make yourself feel. That's why i have to wait for myself, i know i'll feel eventually, even if he doesn't ^__^
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