I wish i could be so happy that it fell off of me and onto other people. If that makes sense? LAWL. I love talking on the phone to Dan ^___^. I told him the whole story of The Notebook XD...idk if he was listening, but he said he was :D. I really love that book :]. I wanna read 90 minutes in heaven...its about this guy who died and went to heaven for ninty minutes then came back to life, and his best friend was praying for him thee entire time. It seems like a really good book Ü. I've also gotta read The Host, lawl...i got it for christmas and haven't read it yet. I also haven't read the books Veronica gave me. Fail. Lol i haven't finished the book Britt gave me either. FAILCAKES XD. I blacked out today, it was a bad one. I was just in line to hand my test in to Mr.Pyzik and then it just hit me and i had to sit on the floor for a minute. Kind of embarrassing, and when i got up to give him my test and go back to my seat my heart was beating so loud i could hear it and feel it everywhere on me. I have an irregular heartbeat, i thought it was going to stop...But then i calmed myself down...WHAT THE FUCK MY DOOR JUST OPENED ALL BY ITSELF T_T_T_T_T it always does that, but its freaking me out right now.
My Daddy called today! and he said that he's taking me out to dinner Sunday :D, i haven't seen him since Christmas and i thought i wouldn't see him till March, so i'm happy :D.I love my Daddy, even though he hasn't made the best choices he's still a good person and Dad. I miss him. I know there's this theory that if a girl doesn't have a father figure in her life then she constantly needs attention from boys. I think Veronica and Catherine might be under that category of girls because...they really do always need a boy in their life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just sad T_T. I'm glad my Dad didn't just leave and never talk to me again and change his phone number and address T_T. Forking Dave is popping up EVERYWHERE NOW, my mom saw him again today on the bridge in traffic. sigh. it was so lame hearing about it, because i know they still love each other, he's just stubborn and fickle >.<. Or maybe they don't and i'm just trying to convince myself he's still coming back. Whatever. I know it's not a big deal that my stepdad left. But it's serisouly affected me for some reason. I was so clse to him, he could also be considered my best friend, and i have problems knowing my best friend doesn't want to talk to me anymore, seeing as he was my best friend for nine feggin years. I used to think i loved him more than my Dad, since when he came along i was always mad at my Dad since he would take me every other weekend. Now i don't have a Stepdad and my Dad doesn't come over every other weekend, so i guess that theory is right, because i do feel like i need to see Dan all the time XD.