Yesterday my family came over for Easter. I've always likes Easter just because of the colours and food :). But this year my family was pestering me about college decisions and Prom stuff. And then they were pestering my Mom about a Wedding Dress! Saying things like "You will NOT look good in that one Kim!". I was like "really? You're her mother and you're telling her THAT". They should of said things in a nicer way :(. My Mom already has enough appearance issues, it's awesome that you're adding another one Grandma! :P. sigh. I can't do anything about her mindset though. She acts like I'm the light of the world...which kind of scares me. I mean I like that she doesn't pester me too much, but it's just weird having her be so...nice? to me. Idk what it is, it's like she treats me like God when I don' deserve it. And seeing her treat her daughter like filth makes me feel horrible! I think I'm over-exaggerating this a bit too much, but I don't know any other way to explain how Grandma acts :P. Don't get me wrong she's a sweet lady, it's just when she wants things to go her way...ooooo they better go her way :P.
I'm actually liking the Sun this year :D. I go outside from time to time and just lay down and sunbathe :). It feels really good. I want a little tan for prom, just some colour on me since I picked out my dress! It's a light pink chiffon dress with lace underneath and a slit up the leg, it has cap sleeves going off the shoulders and a little ruffle of flowers on the top. I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT! I have to order it online though :). It's not as expensive as I thought It would be :).
WELL I've found where I'm officially staying for Sen10r week :D. It's with Mandi, Sophie, and Amber :). I need to get that job at The Gap, Walgreens, or Village Bakery so I can pay for everything I wanna do this summer :P. Like Otakon, Sen10r Week, NC with Dan, possibly visit Lily in Cape Cod, and Disney World with Dad. I am going to be so busy this summer I don't know if I can keep a job :( I hope I will be able to though :P.
COLLEGE DECISIONS AHHHH, that is what my mind has been worrying about for awhile. Now that I know all the schools I've gotten into I'm narrowing them down. My top two are JMU and MMC. I think I wrote that in the last blog. O, I didn't get into William and Mary unfortunately :P. ahh well, you win some you lose some :P. My Aunt Shannon brought up to me "How does Dan feel about you going away to college" And I guess I don't really know how he feels, we don't really talk about it. I know that he thinks I'm going to find a new boy in college (which won't happen, I'm not the stupid one *cough cough*). And I know he really wanted me to go to Drexel because it's in Philadelphia where Nic's going to be and I guess Dan is going to try to go to school up there too. I should ask him what he's been thinking about all this college stuff :).
Currently reading Pretties by Scott Westerfield. It's a good series, starts with Uglies :)
what website is your dress from?