Today was...alright. Project still not perfect -_-. School computers suck. Technology sucks. Sof's just gonna have to deal with it cause we TRIED EVERYTHING :P. I'm siked for Winter Break. I really need this right now :) Even if i have to spend it alone...actually I'll be kinda pissed if i have to spend my break alone but whatevs XD. I won't be, hopefully. I just don't have any money to go out and party with people. I still don't know what I'm doing for New Years. I want to go have fun :) I think I will.
Still upset about Annie -_- I know i have no control over everything that's happened, i just wish I could have been given a chance. I know I can do really well and no one's ever given me the chance to try. I hate that. The casting doesn't make sense to me, but whatever they think is best is what's gonna happen -_-. I DON'T CARE I DON'T CARE. Maybe if I say it enough i'll actually start not caring....I DON'T CARE...nope not working. I do care :P
I'm still having issues with having girlfriends. I don't feel lonely, but I miss that feeling of girl talk. I know I talk the same with boys, i just wish i had a Paige with me a lot. Britt and I are just not talking...ever i think. She was a good friend to me when I didn't have a boyfriend, or when I was lesser than her. Once I had something better than her we started to grow apart. And i didn't really care. I always thought if I lost a friend as close as Britt I would care a lot. But it honestly did not effect me...like at all. I just wanted things to be better between us but they never got better. So i stopped trying. I know part of me having friends involves me TRYING to make them. But I guess i'm just in my comfort zone right now and I don't want to let any new people into my life and try to established a nice friendship yaknow?
I need to email my guidance counselor college stuff.
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