Today I think I've been living in the past. I've just been remembering a lot of things from Summer 2009. It's kinda hard to think about Summer 2009 because it wasn't my best Summer experience. I found out some heartbreaking information, I lost my best friend, and I didn't do everything I wanted to :/. But it would never call it a "bad" summer. This is my Senior year and I know I'm always talking about it in here...but isn't senior year supposed to be fun? Isn't it supposed to be your best experience from High School?! If you were to ask me today "which year was my favourite" I wouldn't be able to give you an answer because I loved them all! Freshman year I discovered that there are a lot more awesome people than the bitches who are graduating with me. Sophomore year I discovered new people that I grew very close too :). And Junior Year I started dating Dan. But Senior year so far...I've been in a play...and I've applied to college...Yea. Hopefully it gets more exciting XD
Workshops for the Musical are on Monday and Tuesday ^__^ I'm really excited for this because i'm hoping I get a part so I can be like " Yea my senior year i was ... in the musical!" haha XD
i watched My Neighbour Totoro today ^__^
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