Homecoming played the crappiest music in thee world. But I had a nice time at dindin with Dan, Paige, and Phil :D. And after the Dance at Casey's. And the next day with Dan...or "Nad" XD. So last night at 3:00 i woke up because my stomach hurt like hell. So i went into the bathroom because I was afraid I was going to barf...and sure enough about 5 minutes later I barf. UGH i hate that :( cause i have no control. I think it's cause i ate too much over the weekend. O well.
Today I stayed home, i'm feeling much better now. Mom handed in my scholarship application, hopefully i do well with it. I need to finish writing an essay for colleges. And i need to get recommendation forms in. :P i just kinda finshed p the Horatio Alger scholarship...butttt i decided not to do it because of what its asking for. I don't have that stuff :P. Elk's scholarship will do for now.
I had the craziest dream last night. It was like a story! When i woke up i wrote it all down so i wouldn't forget it! I'm gonna tell Dan about it later today :D. I wanna go on a walk, i think i will.
Tomorrow I have Senior Pictures! Hopefully they turn out nice :)
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