Halloween is almost upon us! And applications deadlines are as well :/ I've decided not to apply Early Decision anywhere because of all the binding contracts, and I don't want to do that to myself lol. This blog helps me keep my mind in track because it's everywhere at once so I'm listing the colleges again because I've had some :)
Marymount Manhatten
St. Johns College
William and Mary
George Mason
James Madison
The reason I'm applying to Drexel is because I want to see if I can get in and they gave me this special offer so I don't have to pay an application fee! :D Also St.Johns doesn't do application fees, so might as well apply :). I'm not gonna let my mother limit my choice of applying to where I actually want to go.
Today was supposed to be PhotoClub, butttt Sammy canceled it and we're not doing it every week now, we're just doing it every other week :P. I would have gladly taken over this week like I did last week but it's whatevs. I don't think Sammy realizes that I'm willing to help her XD haha.
People were giving me so many compliments today! I missed wearing crazy outfits. I know a while back I said I was going back to them, but this time I'M FERREAL. I forgot how good it made me feel to wear those things and to be myself instead of boring t-shirt and jeans girl :P.
OK tomorrow I'm giving SAT scores to Guidance and asking about recommendation forms because I REALLY NEED TO DO THATTT. AHHHHHHUGGGHH. hmph, I found a lot of new music the other day, I'm loving Couer de Pirate ^___^ makes me smile.
Tomorrow I have a Physics Midterm...that I just found out about today, grrrreat. O! and an Othello test for AP Lit. Should be kinda easy since we all studied today. I also need to find info for my persuasion Speech. And for Global studied we're painting Ceiling Tiles as our country's Flag. Costa Rica FTW! I hope to do well on everything tomorrow T_T.
I got my SAT scores back today :P. I pretty much did the same. It sucks. First time I took it I got a 1470, this time I got a 1480. I don't think my mom realizes that I can't do well without taking a prep course! I mean really? Just going into the SATs not knowing what to expect and not studying for them AT ALL. What is she thinking? I try to study alone but I can't do it right, because I don't know what'll be on the test :/. I blame it all on money. I bet if I had $300 to pay for the courses I would have done better on the SAT :P. Being a nonrichkid sucks :(
I think I'm going to start on some applications.
Forking Baseball canceling mah GLEE