so it's the beginning of the second semester and first period was pretty cool
I've got it with Britt, Paige, Cat, Mason, and other friends. BUT lol emo is in my first period and when i walked in there i just started laughing and said hi to him. SO me, paige, cat, and brit decided to sit next to each other...but then miss Evans had to pull out a seating chart T_T_T_T_T
so now i sit all the way next to the window in a row all by myself with no one next to me.
I've got it with Britt, Paige, Cat, Mason, and other friends. BUT lol emo is in my first period and when i walked in there i just started laughing and said hi to him. SO me, paige, cat, and brit decided to sit next to each other...but then miss Evans had to pull out a seating chart T_T_T_T_T
so now i sit all the way next to the window in a row all by myself with no one next to me.
oh wait Osmund Butt is next to me...but i think he dropped the class
so no one is next to me T_T_T_T it's kind of funny i guess XD
After Algebra II i was really anxious to see what AP government would be like; and on the first day we had a sub XD. fail
So we only read from the book and did some vocab...but it was A LOT of vocab XD
It isn't that bad
i'm not gonna drop it
After AP government i went to honors world history with Pyzik. He's really really cool. I have a feeling that will be my favourite class. He said we don't get any homework :D:D:D:D
Then i went to lunch, and i like my lunch a lot
i had a dream i would have B lunch
and i do have it YAYZ!
LOL so Myth and Folk is such a slacker class XD
i love it ^___^
Im going to start reading The Notebook
just because i feel like i need to read a sad book ^___^
Well last night i wasn't feeling sad at all, but as i started listening to the playlist i have on here I started to cry because "the tide" came on. Every time i hear that song and sing along to it, i just start crying. It reminds me of Dave and my Mom and how i felt everytime they would split. I think one of the lines in the song says
"Ponders his life, and he skips his rocks
And he wonders when his father will return
But he's not coming back"
geezuz, even now im crying and im not even listening to the song XD
it relates to how i felt when my stepdad would always leave us every few months because him and my mom would get into fights. I hated those months when he wasn't there
He's left five times
And the first four times he left i was very sad, cryed everyday because i didn't think he would come back, and then he ended up always coming back.
Well last February he left us again.
And this time i thought, "oh he won't be gone long"
4 months later i started to get a bit worried and asked my mom everyday , "when is he coming back?"
and she never gave me an answer
now i know why
it's almost been a year since he left
6 months since i've seen him
he changed his phone number on us
i don't know where he is
i love him
and i just want him back
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