So recently i've been sad; and i don't want to be anymore. So hopefully in the spring things will get better around here. I want my mom to stop putting all of her stress onto me, and then saying "you don't understand". LOL i can understand. You tell me all the fucking time. I get the point, now shut up. Geezuz. Now she wants me to get a job to help her pay for the house. I guess i don't mind doing that, but if i have to give her all the money i make i would be kind of mad. I don't want to seem selfish but i feel like im being selfish by saying that. sigh... Well at least schoolwork isn't as hard as i thought it was going to be. Turns out i actually enjoy ap government, i love all the discussions we have about current events lol. I have so many books to read :P. At least none of them are for school ^___^. I miss my dad, i want to see him soon. But i have a feeling the next time i'll see him will be for either his birthday (march 18th) or my birthday (april 16th). SIGH thats too far. Dave and my mom are getting the divorce finalized at the end of february :/. Wonderous. I love how i can't stop thinking about him. I don't want the last time i saw him to be the last. I want the spring to come so i can lay out on the edge with a flowy dress on, doing nothing. Maybe reading a book. That sounds nice. I would love to figure out my future too. Everyone keeps asking me "WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO" i don't know! T_T i want to know though. I wish i could just have a dream that would tell me my future. Today has been nice so far, its still only noon though so i'll probably post another one of these later again tonight.