This summer has still been incredible! Not a day goes by without my doing something! I had one day to myself and I couldn't bare it anymore so I called up someone and made plans XD. I love being alone but now it just get's boring when I'm sitting at home lol.
I have at least 2 days off a week now! They hired a new snowgirl and I'm doing both snow and produce. Delia's offered me a job at their store. I REALLY REALLY wanted to accept it...but I want to stay with Farmer John's for one more summer and then go intern somewhere or do retail work.
College seems to be coming faster than I thought it would. I was trying to make plans with people but turns out I'm literally busy every single day/weekend in august. IT'S HORRIBLE (but fun :) I want to make time to hang out with everyone like Vero, Amber, and Taylor. I VILL TRY!
Veronica's Birthday is tomorrow!!! I feel bad that Cole is leaving her a few days after her birthday...that SUCKS. I was so happy Cole and her got together because they seemed to be a good match ^__^. WELL Britt's been talking to me about breaking up with Mason because he's selfish and drinks and partys everyday. So she did that yesterday XD.She's a funny one. I hope she's happier without him like she thinks she'll be.
For me, Dan and I are doing fine. I'm really proud of him for getting a job! He works at Canine Country Club now with Casey and he takes care of Dogs alllll day XD. PERFECT JOB FOR HIM!
In the weeks ahead I'm looking forward for Otakon 2010!!! I have everything for my Freya outfit! It's amazing and I look awesome! I'm also going to bring a lighter dress to cosplay as Chi. I figure Bonnie would want a day as Freya and a day as Chi so we can switch off XD IT WILL BE FUN!. Nic is Hideki, Molly is Yuzuki, and Mat is Minoru! We have a cute little Chobits group going! YAY! This will most likely be the best con I have been to yet! I WILL BUY A PLUSHIE THIS YEAR!
ALSO I'm looking forward to going to THE JERSEY SHOREEEEEE with Dan XD. I'm so excited to act like a Guidette XD. Dan rolls his eyes at me because he says that OC, NJ is like a family town not a Guido town...O WELL. CHRISIE'S THE NEW SITUATION BIATCHH. ^_^.
I saw Inception last night and it was the best movie I have seen since Moulin Rouge. My eyes were constantly glued to the screen and the ENDING! was FANTASTIC!! I love everything about that movie and the way it was shot was genius! I bet Christopher Nolan took ten years to write that damn thing! The movie made me think of Architecture again. I've been thinking of good careers and Architect was one I wanted to try years ago...nahhh I don't want to be an architect XD. I'LL BE AN ASSASIN! lolzzz
Well Hopefully I'll actually stick with this blog...I'll try!