WOOO!! I got into James Madison University! And after my weekend in New Jersey have found out I also got into Amber's one-act called "Not My Cup Of Tea." It's so funny! My name is Emmie and I'm brainless XD. I LOVE IT. Iris is my sister, Jessica. And Lyndee is my Mama! Dan also got into a one-act as the Chickenman...I can't wait to see that one lol.
Things are looking up! I'm really glad I took a risk and tried out even though I was worried of rejection :P. Because it paid off! Now I'm waiting for William and Mary and they should come in this week, AHHHHHH SO EXCITED FOR THAT TOO. It would be such a blessing to get into that fantastic college :). PRAISE THE LORD I GOT INTO JMU, GMU, MMC, and Drexel! W&M is just my number one. Of course it would come last! lol.
I'm kinda worried about Otakon this year, I don't think I'll be able to go :P. But I'm nott too worried about it. My priorities are One-Acts, Prom, and Sen10r Week right now lol. Dan's Dad invited me to go to North Carolina with them July 4th week. My Mom said I could so that'll be fun! :D
SPRING BREAK STARTS FRIDAY! :D So far I have plans to go to a concert on April 5th to see Florence and the Machine! April 10th for the Cherry Blossom Festival! And April 16th is my BIRTHDAY! the big 18! I wanna have a party for it :D...but I don't know what yet...I've planned the cake I want though! I want a cloud cake! it's going to be so cute! And I'm going out to Dinner that night and YAY SO EXCITING :D.
Today in AP Lang we talked about the film The Graduate. I really liked that movie, and Dr.Wolff asked us about if we think we're "Drifters". I said that even though I have an idea of what I'm doing with my life, and so does my family and friends, that I'm still a drifter because I don't know exactly what will happen to me. And I don't even know what I'll be studying yet in college so YIKES! I need to definitely get on that :P.
Time for scholarships!